Set brand guidelines

The first step to a beautiful flow is ensuring that it includes the same brand guidelines as the rest of your website or app. Setting those first can help you further visualize the rest of the design.

Add a color palette

Adding all of your brand’s colors to your theme allows you to have a quick repository of pre- approved colors as you’re styling the flow’s background, buttons, and text.

Set a background color

Once you’ve set your colors, pop in and add a background color to your flow. If you’d like to use an image instead, navigate to Steps > Image.

You may want to have your logo prominently displayed in your flow. Make sure you have a high-quality image to upload!

Assign font styles

Load in custom fonts, or choose from a library of Google fonts, to use throughout your flow. You can assign different header styles that correspond to font size, weight, spacing, and color. The best place to start is Default, and then add in a couple of header styles for larger/bolder text (H1 and H2). For smaller paragraph text, use β€œP” and use β€œInput” to style any answers your responders are providing.

Start with a few basic styles – as you add in content, you may come back and need to use additional header styles, like H5 or H6 for very small text.

Last updated