
Allows picking between a few choices.

Select questions are the easiest way to collect structured information from responders. Unlike text questions, the responder does not need to craft an answer. The most common use cases include single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, and selections from a dropdown list (e.g. U.S. states).


Allow multiple selection

If allow multiple selection is checked, the responder will be allowed to make a multiple-choice response.

Autoadvance if possible

By default, autoadvance if possible is enabled, meaning that responders will advance to the next step just by selecting a choice.

Why if possible? It may be the case that there are other unanswered questions on the current step, in which case the navigation will not occur.

Note that auto-advancing is not enabled if you allow multiple selection, since the responder will need to be able to pick multiple answers if they need it.

Customizing choices

Select questions require a set of choices to be valid. These choices can be manually entered in the choices tab, bulk added from our choice library, or dynamically loaded via API or calculated variable.

Load choices dynamically

Choices can be loaded either by calculated variable, or loaded from an external api via external variable. Refer to the sub-section Providing choices via API or calculation for further instruction.

Loading choices dynamically will remove the option to customize choices.

Randomize choice order

To reduce order bias in your answers, you can enable Randomize choice order in choices tab. With this option enabled, every time the answers are shown, they will be in a different order.

Excluding a choice from randomization

With Randomize choice order enabled, it is possible to pin a choice to its position to exclude it from randomization, by enabling Pin to position with the choice options expanded. This is can be used to always keep choices like "Other" or "None" at the end of the choice list.

Choice value type

Choice values default to a string type but can be changed to boolean or number types in the choices tab using the Choice value type menu.

Customizing a choice

Select choices minimally consist of a label and a value. The label is what the responder sees, while the value is what gets stored and submitted.

Choices can be shown conditionally by toggling is conditional? to on, and can be disabled altogether by toggling Disabled.

When Allow multiple selection is enabled, you'll be able turn the Exclusive option on for a specific choice. This setting will deselect all other choices the user has selected, once the exclusive choice has been selected.

Checked by default will have the choice automatically selected when the question loads.

You can also include a Description of the choice, which will only be visible to the administrator and is invisible to the responder.

If Show images on choices is toggled on in the Style tab, you will be able to set an image and video url in this menu as well.

Image and video select questions can be styled in the Theme tab of a flow, under Buttons -> Select -> Image (top tab).

If Show checkmarks and radio buttons on choices is enabled in the Style tab, you

Choice library

Some commonly used choice sets are available in Formsort in Choice library located at the bottom of the choices tab. Examples include U.S. states and likert scales. If you come across choice sets that you think we should include, please reach out to us.

To collect a write-in choice:

  1. Add an "Other" choice.

  2. Create a second text question that conditionally appears when Other is selected.

Styling Choices

You can use the Picker Style dropdown in the Style menu of the Select question to change the format of the Select question.

Formats available are:



Native dropdown




Head to this doc for more information on styling Select buttons!

Last updated