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Last updated
Events allow you to receive notifications whenever notable events happen within the Formsort ecosystem. They can be configured using Add an event subscription within the Events tab.
As of this doc writing, the only triggering event available will be the variant_revision_published
event. With this enabled, any variant published to any environment in any Flow, by any member of your team, will send an event notification to the destination you have configured.
You can choose to have a JSON payload sent to a webhook endpoint, or you can choose to have a notification sent to your Slack space.
You will need to set the endpoint address for your integration type. Descriptions are optional. Once the endpoint is set, you can Send test event to ensure everything has been configured correctly.
If you choose to send a JSON payload, you will have to register a webhook endpoint URL.
If you opt to send notifications to Slack, you will have to register a Slack URL.
While not required, you can use a Signing Key to provide extra security for your Events payloads. Only one key can be set for Events subscriptions.
Below is an example webhook payload, with every component and configuration in Formsort represented.
This is currently in development, and may not be present for 100% of flows as we roll it out. When it's fully released as a 1.0 version, a comprehensive documentation of its structure will be provided. For now, use the above example as a guide.
See for more information about the event payload sent.
This is the representation of the answers object that this flow creates. Read more about this in the documentation about .
Flow content is a representation of the structure of the form, including the groups, steps, and questions within it. Read more about the if you'd like to use it.
Receive notifications when important events happen within Formsort