Event payload shape

When sending analytics events, you have control over the shape of the payload received by the destination.

Allowing answer sending

Send answers

By default, answers are not included in analytics event payloads. This way, analytics providers can be used for tracking conversion and performance, without sending user data to third parties.

If send answers is checked, answer values will be nested in an "answers" object of the event payload.

Send PII

If send answers is enabled, send PII will also send Personally Identifying Information along to the analytics provider. Answers are marked as PII using the data classification in the schema editor.

Only send answers from current step

If only send answers from current step is enabled, the payload will only contain answers to questions that appear on the current step.

When sending answers from the current step, by default you will not receive any answers that are present at the beginning of the flow, such as external answers.

To instead send the current, full state of the flow on load, enable Send all answers on FlowLoaded, which will include the entire answer state in the FlowLoaded event's answer payload.

Paylod shape

All analytics events will contain the flow label, variant label, variant revision UUID, and responder UUID.

  "first_name": "John Doe",
  "flowLabel": "<FLOW_LABEL>",
  "variantLabel": "<VARIANT_LABEL>",
  "variantUuid": "<VARIANT_UUID>",
  "responderUuid": "<RESPONDER_UUID>"

Answers at root

With answers at root checked, all the answer keys will be at the same level of nesting within the payload object.

  "address.raw": "123 Test St, Beverly Hills, CA 90210",
  "address.address_1": "123 Test St",
  "address.city": "Beverly Hills",
  "address.state": "CA",
  "address.postal_code": "90210",
  "utm_source": "facebook_ad",
  "first_name": "John Doe",
  "flowLabel": "<FLOW_LABEL>",
  "variantLabel": "<VARIANT_LABEL>",
  "variantUuid": "<VARIANT_UUID>",
  "responderUuid": "<RESPONDER_UUID>"

If unchecked, the answers will be nested within an answers object.

  "answers": {
    "address.raw": "123 Test St, Beverly Hills, CA 90210",
    "address.address_1": "123 Test St",
    "address.city": "Beverly Hills",
    "address.state": "CA",
    "address.postal_code": "90210",
    "utm_source": "facebook_ad",
    "first_name": "John Doe"
  "flowLabel": "<FLOW_LABEL>",
  "variantLabel": "<VARIANT_LABEL>",
  "variantUuid": "<VARIANT_UUID>",
  "responderUuid": "<RESPONDER_UUID>"

Flatten answer keys

With flatten answer keys checked, nested answers, like arrays and objects, will be at the same level of nesting as all other answers:

  "answers": {
    "address.city": "Beverly Hills"

With flatten answer keys unchecked, nested answers will remain in their original, nested shape.

  "answers": {
    "address": {
      "city": "Beverly Hills"

Stringify answers

When stringify answers is checked, the answers key itself will be a JSON string of the answers, rather than the nested object.

  "flowLabel": "<FLOW_LABEL>",
  "variantLabel": "<VARIANT_LABEL>",
  "variantUuid": "<VARIANT_UUID>",
  "responderUuid": "<RESPONDER_UUID>",
  "answers": "{\"address.raw\":\"123 Test St, Beverly Hills, CA 90210\",\"address.address_1\":\"123 Test St\",\"address.city\":\"Beverly Hills\",\"address.state\":\"CA\",\"address.postal_code\":\"90210\",\"utm_source\":\"facebook_ad\",\"first_name\":\"John Doe\"}"

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