
Here you can update the copy for various parts of your Flow.

Document Title

The text here will update the name of browser tab that your flow opens in.

Confirmation Text

If you opt not to redirect your user at the end of a flow, or the final step is not marked as Is finalizing, they will be shown a confirmation page as the final screen of their flow. You can update the text they will see here.

Answer required

By default, Formsort does not allow users to proceed through a flow without answering all the questions on screen (this setting can be toggled with an Optional flag). The Answer required text is the error copy that will be shown if they try to proceed through a partially-filled step.

This text will be shown at the bottom of the Content area, and is useful for things like disclaimers and legal notices.

Optional question label

The string here will show in italics at the end of a question label when it's flagged as optional. The default text shown is "optional".

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