File upload

Collects various files from the responder.

This question type is used in cases where the responder needs to upload documents, such as a pdfs of contracts, certificates, prescriptions, etc.

If you would like to ask the responder take a picture of an ID card or themselves, you can use the image upload content type. If you would like the responder to sign a document, you can use the signature content type.

If you don't want the responder to be held up by a file upload question, make sure to mark the question as optional.

Setting up an external bucket

In order to have the responder upload a file, you need to set up a S3 bucket or GCS bucket to specify where the file will be stored. For detailed instructions on setting up a file integration in Formsort, you can go to this page for s3 and this page for GCS.

Naming the files uploaded

You must define a naming pattern for the files that your responders upload by enabling Filename pattern.

You can type in the relevant variable you would like to be included in the name of the file into the field next to the button. For example, if you type in {{first_name}} into the field, a responder with first_name Sally will have their file name show up as Sally.

Note that the extensions will be added automatically. You can also set a fallback naming convention in case the variable is not defined by typing it into the Filename pattern fallback field.

Specifying file types allowed

You can whitelist MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) types by adding them to the Allowed MIME types field. Once a MIME type is whitelisted, the file upload will only accept that specific file type (as well as any other file type whitelisted).

The below is a list MIME types currently supported by the file upload component:


MIME types











You should whitelist MIME types, otherwise you may receive uploads of formats that you cannot process; i.e. if you want to allow only document uploads, whitelist the application/pdf MIME type.

Allowing multiple answers

Enabling allow multiple uploads lets the respondent upload more than one file as an answer to a question.

Last updated